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Reducing GHG Footprint of Pyrometallurgical Processes

Sunday, August 26 (half-day morning course)
Westin Ottawa
MetSoc and TMS
Lead Organizer / Instructor
Marc Duchesne, Natural Resources Canada; Chih-Ting Lo, EELO Solutions; Allan Runstedtler, Natural Resources Canada; and Ka Wing Ng, Natural Resources Canada

Extraction 2018 is over and registration is no longer available for these courses.

Course Overview

Approaches to reduce GHG emissions from pyrometallurgical processes include: 1) increasing process efficiency, 2) replacing fossil fuels, and 3) capturing CO2 for utilization or storage. Improving process efficiency is often the easiest short-term strategy to reduce GHG emissions. It can be applied throughout the process and has the added advantage of reducing operating costs. Replacement of fossil fuels for process energy can be achieved via clean electricity usage, energy storage or clean heat integration. However, many pyrometallurgical processes require a reducing agent. In such cases, fossil fuels can be replaced by hydrogen, biofuels, fossil fuels with lower GHG intensity, or process gas. CO2 capture can be applied via post-combustion, pre-combustion, or oxy-firing technologies. Examples of each with technology readiness levels and estimated costs will be presented.

Course Outline

  1. . Why reduce emissions
  2. . Increasing process efficiency
  3. . Fossil fuel substitution
    1. . For energy
      1. . Clean electricity (from hydro, nuclear, or renewables ; Manitoba magnesium)
      2. . Clean heat (solar or slag cooling? Heat integration)
    2. . For reduction (and energy)
      1. . Hydrogen
      2. . Biofuels (biochar for steelmaking, waste, negative emissions)
      3. . Natural gas
      4. . Gas recycle
  4. . CO2 capture
    1. . Storage and utilization (stream requirements, Nakano use of slag)
    2. . Post-combustion
    3. . Pre-combustion
    4. . Oxy-fuel
  5. . Summary

Course Instructors

Marc Duchesne is a government of Canada research scientist with Natural Resources Canada’s CanmetENERGY-Ottawa. He holds a B.Sc. degree in biochemistry, a B.A.Sc. degree in chemical engineering, and Ph.D. in chemical engineering, all from the University of Ottawa. He is a member of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) and a licensed Professional Engineer of Ontario. His expertise is in high-temperature inorganic phase properties and behaviors, which he has applied to the development of various technologies such as flash metallization, entrained-flow gasification, chemical looping combustion, fluidized-bed combustion and direct contact steam generation. Duchesne has worked in various laboratories at the University of Ottawa, as well as the Canadian Light Source, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (Australia), the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany), and the National Energy Technology Lab (NETL)-Albany (United States).

Chih-Ting Lo is the founder of EELO Solutions. She is a 15-year veteran in optimizing energy resources, implementing innovative energy solutions, and minimizing environmental footprint for large industrial sectors. She focuses on systematic and practical processes in strategizing, executing, and validating programs and projects. Lo has extensive experience in energy supply, efficiency, and storage technologies. She has drafted investment plans and road maps for executive management teams, government organizations, and industry working groups to bridge technological challenges with business and sustainability objectives. Lo has a master’s degree in applied science and chemical engineering from the University of British Columbia. She is a registered professional engineer and a certified energy manager.

Allan Runstedtler is a research scientist and modeling group leader at CanmetENERGY-Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada. He has 20 years of experience in modeling and designing energy systems. He has published on industrial process heaters, iron making, nickel smelting, oil transmission pipelines, biomass boilers for electric power, and oxy-fuel power utility boilers for CO2 capture, as well as fundamental studies on dynamics, radiation heat transfer, and diffusion in micro-/nanoscale pores.

Ka Wing Ng graduated from McGill University in 2000 with an M.Eng in metallurgical engineering. Upon graduation, he worked as a research associate at McGill and conducted research in extractive pyrometallurgy of copper, magnesium, and aluminum. He joined the Metallurgical Fuels Laboratory of CanmetENERGY in 2006 and developed his expertise in ironmaking and coal carbonization. Ng continues to work as a research scientist at the Metallurgical Fuels Laboratory. Ng has authored 13 peer-reviewed journal papers and 25 conference papers in his professional career. He is currently leading a five-year research program, Bio-Carbon for Canadian Iron and Steel production, supported by the Energy Innovation Program of Natural Resources Canada and the Canadian Carbonization Research Association.

Additional instructor information coming soon.


Course Registration Rates *

Registering As Advanced
Before June 26
On or After June 26
Attendee $495 $570
Student $225 $270

*Please note that registration rates do not include 13% tax.

Sponsorship Acknowledgements

This course is made possible thanks to The Metallurgy and Materials Society (MetSoc) of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM) and The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS).